Thursday, February 8, 2007

Thursday Threesome 2/8/07

Onesome: Pitch-- What is your singing range? ...and do you sing at all? Laurie, you're leading off here !

I have no idea what my range is, I've never tested it or whatever it is you for that. If I am drunk enough I will sing in public. I will also sing to, you know.

Twosome: Yaw--'ll ken that one? Do you have any 'dialect words' that you use as a matter of course? "Ken", meaning "to understand" (Scottish and other derivations) in this case...

Just ya'll.

Threesome: and Roll-- on down the road? Hey, if the roads were as icy as they've been in the Midwest and East would driving to work even be a consideration for you?

Not really. I just don't trust the other drivers around here. It iced up here last week just a bit, and there are just some people who don't care. The speed limit is 40, and by God, they are gonna drive 40. I can get my job done from home if I need to.

1 comment:

  1. Ha. Ya'll and people that can't drive in the ice? You must be in Texas! :-)
